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    Join us for the New Hampshire Maple Weekend in 2020

    New Hampshire Maple Weekend 2020

    New Hampshire Maple Weekend 2020The New Hampshire Maple Weekend,  March 21st to 22nd, celebrates the maple sugaring season that runs from mid-February to mid-April. It’s also the first sign of spring, even before the flowers appear on the New Hampshire hiking trails. The maple tree’s sap begins flowing when the days warm up but the nights are still chilly. When this occurs, sugar houses kick into high gear, collecting hundreds of gallons of sap each day. The maple-sugaring process is one of the oldest traditions in New Hampshire and the local producers have it down to an art.

    New Hampshire takes pride in the high-quality maple products the state creates every season and New Hampshire Maple Month includes over 90 sugarhouses statewide. They open their doors to the public, and visitors learn about the whole process from tree tapping to the delicious end products. The New Hampshire Maple Weekend also includes free syrup tastings, maple candies, doughnuts, and classic sugar-on-snow.

    Enhance your charming New Hampshire Maple Weekend with a stay at a lovely New England bed and breakfast. Lake House at Ferry Point Inn is the only lakefront bed and breakfast in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire. Wake each day to a sumptuous, gourmet breakfast on the shores of idyllic Lake Winnisquam. Reserve your private guest suite at the beautiful Lake House at Ferry Point Inn for the delicious maple sugaring season. 

     New Hampshire Maple Weekend Tasting Guide and Recipes

    During the New Hampshire Maple Weekend visitors learn about and taste the entire syrup making process. Every year New Hampshire produces almost 124,000 gallons of maple syrup and not every batch is the same. Depending on the time of the season the maple syrup will have a very different color and flavor. 

    New Hampshire Maple Weekend

    The lightest Grade A Golden Delicate syrup makes wonderful maple cream, candy, and sugar. Some love pouring it over their ice cream or yogurt. The next batch, the Grade A Amber, has a rich full-bodied taste that is what most think of as the classic pancake maple syrup. 4 to 6 weeks into the season we begin seeing the Grade A Dark syrup with a robust taste that’s great for cooking. Lastly, the Grade A Extra Dark syrup offers the strongest flavor that’s also a wonderful cooking syrup.

    Explore the creative recipes on the New Hampshire Maple Weekend website. Discover cooking with maple syrup beyond breakfast, with savory maple-barbecued spareribs, teriyaki sauces or New Hampshire baked beans recipes. Don’t worry, your sweet tooth will be satisfied as well with a cupcake, ice cream, and cookie recipes.

    3 New Hampshire Maple Weekend Events near the Lake Region

    The New Hampshire Maple Weekend has several events close to your serene retreat at the Lake House at Ferry Point Inn. The beautiful Prescott Farm in Laconia is hosting two fun and educational events. While a short drive away, the Canterbury Shaker Village is hosting its own mini maple festival on the lovely historic farm. 

    1. Tap Into Maple – Learn and participate in every step of the maple syrup process from tree tapping to tasting sweet syrup. The Prescott Farm environmental educators cover modern and traditional tapping tools, along with Native American legends and even the chemistry involved in the production of the very best maple syrup.
    2. Canterbury Maple Festival – The weekend of March 21st to 22nd enjoy a historic maple festival in the charming Canterbury Shaker Village. Visitors will learn all albout the maple sugaring process with historic exhibits, food, and demonstration. 
    3. Farm to Table Cooking: Maple Syrup at Every Meal – On March 28th Prescott Farm hosts a delicious cooking event in their historic farmhouse. Create wonderful dishes using local, fresh-picked ingredients in maple-inspired recipes. 

    New Hampshire Maple Weekend

    The Best Lodging in the Lakes Region

    Come to the Lake Region and celebrate the sweet taste of spring at the New Hampshire Maple Weekend. Bring an extra bag to take home all the wonderful maple treasures from this heavenly weekend. Book your romantic getaway at the tranquil Lake House at Ferry Point Inn this maple sugaring season.